Introducing Tools

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Space at the makerspace comes at a premium. So we have some rules you should be aware of prior to introducing new tools.

If you want to introduce a tool - then there are roughly three ways:

  1. You want to donate a tool for general use at the space - or provide one (See also the section on on long term loan).
  2. You want to buy a tool together with a handful of your fellow makes -- and make it available for general use
  3. You want the space to buy you a tool

Note: this is for tools in the common area. Tools that you keep in your own box are obviously entirely yours and not subject to any rules.

Donating tools

If you want to donate a tool that is larger than, say, a hammer, or of which there is more than one or two - you must ask on the mailing list first.

Send a mail to deelnemers@, describing the tool and it will live - and await a positive OK or consensus for bringing in the tool; either on the list (if you are lucky) or get the explicit, documented ok, at the next deelnemers meeting. If appropriate - also what it replaces/what can be thrown away.

If it is a big tool that takes up a lot of space - you will generally be asked to create New thing proposal page first.

Once accepted - you will be required to create a New machine or tool page documenting it.

The same applies to a tool that is on loan -- but in this case beware that the space can request that you remove a tool thus loaned on short notice (or, should the space have to scrap it - charge the owner(s) for the cost of scrapping it).

teaming up with a few others to buy a tool & make it available for general use

Follow the above process for donating tools, find like minded people who want to pay for it, get the collective OK - and then make the tool available for general use.

It is NOT ok to only limit the use of a tool to just those people who paid for it (though you can set rules, such as mandatory training. For example if the tool is particularly dangerous or fragile).

It is OK to make this effectively a loan. But beware that the space can request that you remove a tool thus loaned on short notice (or, should the space have to scrap it - charge the owner(s) for the cost of scrapping it).

You want to space to buy you a tool

Propose it at the next deelnemers meeting. You will generally be asked to create New thing proposal page first.