Node Table saw

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PoE powered Node on Ethernet voor de Circular Table Saw / Tafelcirkelzaag.

Werkt samen met de SafetyContactor; dus aan en uit zetten met de normale rode/groene knoppen.

OPTO1 wordt gebruikt om spanning via de SafetyContactor te detecteren; het relay onderbreekt de interlock kring van diezelfde SafetyContactor.


Based on the Powernode_1.1 pcb


9 Sept 2023 tried to connect a new LED for the "saw on" red light on the node box. Previously it was connected between the SafetyContactor wire (those are shorted with the pcb relais when the node is activated) and the brown phase of the 3-phase power network. Connected like this, 10 seconds into saw use the LED burned (and shorted?!), which evaporated the tracks on the pcb from the relais to the connector of the SafetyContactor wires, and blew a fuse in one of the 3 phases. No idea why this happened: maybe the voltage between those wires is too high during saw operation?

Cleaned the node, moved the SafetyContactor wires to the other side of the pcb relais, replaced the fuse - everything works now.

Node before maintenance sept 2023
Burnt tracks on node pcb


   Wed Jan 22 19:45:22 CET 2020	ac/log/tablesaw tablesaw {
       "node": "tablesaw",
       "machine": "tablesaw",
       "maxMqtt": 768,
       "id": "44d26ea4ae30",
       "ip": "",
       "net": "UTP",
       "mac": "30:AE:A4:6E:D2:47",
       "beat": 1579718723,
       "alive-uptime": 539106,
       "approve": 8,
       "deny": 0,
       "requests": 8,
       "cache_hit": 8,
       "cache_miss": 0,
       "mqtt_reconnects": 1,
       "loop_rate": 9372.537,
       "coreTemp": 51.66667,
       "heap_free": 200216,
       "rfid_scans": 8,
       "rfid_misses": 52,
       "state": "Waiting for card",
       "powered_time": 425830,
       "extract_time": 121568,
       "running_time": 60022,
       "idle_poweroff": 1,
       "fan_poweroff": 21,
       "bad_poweroff": 0,
       "current": 0.000175,
       "opto": "low",
       "triac": 0,
       "relay": 0,
       "ota": true