Website setup: verschil tussen versies

Uit MakerSpace Leiden
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(35 tussenliggende versies door 2 gebruikers niet weergegeven)
Regel 1: Regel 1:
[[Category:Servers network & websites]]
<h2>On a demo/local laptop</h2>    git clone
<h2>On a demo/local laptop</h2>    git clone
     cd makerspaceleiden-crm
     cd makerspaceleiden-crm
Regel 48: Regel 49:
   mysqldump -u mslcrmuser  -p mslcrm
   mysqldump -u mslcrmuser  -p mslcrm
Update PIP if you get warnings first:
  python3.8 -m pip install --upgrade pip
Check for any new static stuff & updates:
Check for any new static stuff & updates:
   pip3 install -r requirements.txt  
  pip3 list --outdated
   pip3 install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
Next migrate the database if needed:
Next migrate the database if needed:
Regel 69: Regel 75:
'''NOTE: var/media contains the images.'''
'''NOTE: var/media contains the images.'''
'''XXX todo XXXXX - daphne needs to be setup/restarted and log files - including systemd setup !
So while you can actually wack & redo the entire setup - you will need to preserve var/media. (Perhaps we should move var/media to /var/media - fully outside the tree - as it is also the only thing that 'www-data' can write to.
So while you can actually wack & redo the entire setup - you will need to preserve var/media. (Perhaps we should move var/media to /var/media - fully outside the tree - as it is also the only thing that 'www-data' can write to.
Regel 189: Regel 198:
     tail -F /var/log/apache2/error.log
     tail -F /var/log/apache2/error.log
Now go to and create the initial members/structure. Assign the trustees the super user permission; then delete the temporary admin you made.
'''XXX todo XXXXX - daphne needs to be setup/restarted and log files - including systemd setup !
Now go to and create the initial members/structure. Assign the trustees the super user permission; then delete the temporary admin you made.
== Setup Signal Bridge ==
== Setup Signal Bridge ==
Regel 212: Regel 225:
== Cleanup and reminder crons ==
== Cleanup and reminder crons ==
To be configured/written
The following entries need to be added to the crontab (either to /etc/cron, to cron.daily/monthly or to the `users' cron):
    MAILFROM="MSL Server (cron)"
    NULLMAILUSER_NAME="MSL Server (cron)"
    # General maintenance mails of [].
    # m h d m d user  cmd
    1 1 * * * USER test -x /usr/local/makerspaceleiden-crm/ && /usr/local/makerspaceleiden-crm/
    1 2 1 * * USER test -x /usr/local/makerspaceleiden-crm/ && /usr/local/makerspaceleiden-crm/
With 'USER' a user with the right rights.
== Backup ==
== Backup ==
Regel 219: Regel 246:
and captures the whole directory -- which includes var/media -- the uploads.
and captures the whole directory -- which includes var/media -- the uploads.
See the section [[MTA-Setup#Backup | backup]] on the general [[MTA-Setup| Server setup page.]]
See the section [[Server setup#Backup | backup]] on the general [[Server setup| Server setup page.]]
== Mailing list integration ==
== Mailing list integration ==
Mailing lists are ran by a third party - we currently use a hack to manage these by faking browser access to their form API.
Mailing lists are ran by a third party - The integration via their newly fangled "Sympa" web service -- See [[Sympa mailing list setup]] for details.
=== experimental update ===
Integration via their newly fangled "Sympa" web service.
==== Security/Privacy consideration ====
Our mailing list provider is a processed of our data; and distributes the email to our members. This is the basis for allowing this party access to the email addresses or our users. We can limit the information to exactly that.
Additional measures:
# Gather the /just/ needed data in a single purpose view
# Specific user that is restricted to just that view and has only select/view; no write.
# Strong password & secure transfer of the password to the third party
# Require the use of SSL/TLS for this user in mysql
# Lock down of this user to a specific IP in mysql
# Use of IP tables to lock down the connection to just the
# Move to a non-common port
Still open:
# Does the API still need the (full) name - as mailman currently does - for use in the From: ? Or can we further limit this.
# Can we use X.509 client certs for authentication.
==== configuration ====
Create a mysql user specific to sympa; $SYMPA_IP is the IP address of their gateway (currently just one) and $secret is a strong password:
    create user mlist@$SYMPA_IP identified by '$secret' REQUIRE SSL;
Then create a view with just the data needed:
    create view mailinglists_api as
        select distinct concat(first_name,' ',last_name) "name",name "list", email
                from members_user,mailinglists_subscription,mailinglists_mailinglist
        where  mailinglists_subscription.member_id = and
                mailinglists_subscription.mailinglist_id = and
        order by email
        with read only;
And grant this integration user access to just that view:
    GRANT SELECT, SHOW VIEW ON mslcrm.mailinglists_api TO mlist@ $SYMPA_IP;
Then provide the mailinglist provider with the following file/data:
    db_type mysql
    db_port $PORT
    db_host $OUR_IP
    db_user mlist
    db_passwd $secret
    db_name mslcrm
    sql_query select distinct name,email from mailinglists_api where list = 'spacelog';
Configure SSL on the right port in /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.conf
    bind-address            =, $OUR_IP
And allow acccess:
    sudo ufw allow in from $SYMPA_IP to any port $PORT
Query to find duplicates in the subscriptions:
        select * from mailinglists_subscription where id not in (select max(id) from mailinglists_subscription group by mailinglist_id,member_id);
    iptables -A INPUT  -p tcp -s $SYMPA_IP --sport 1024:65535 -d $OUR_IP --dport $PORT \
          -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
    iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -s 2$OUR_IP --sport $PORT -d $SYMPA_IP --dport 1024:65535 \
          -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

Huidige versie van 21 sep 2024 om 00:03

On a demo/local laptop

git clone

   cd makerspaceleiden-crm

then visit <a href="http://localhost:8000/">http://localhost:8000/</a>.

(edit two things in requirements.txt. First, the latest version of Django is 4.1.2 This version causes errors. So take an older version of Django. Second thing is import python-dateutil).

So ```requirements.txt``` starts with:


Note that going to version 4 is fairly trivial with ```django-upgrade``` - but requires a fix in one dependency ( Perhaps we should remove that dependency - it is only used by the trustees really.

Prepare for restarts when editing code with:

source venv/bin/activate

and then do :

python3 runserver

as needed (most changes will be picked up automatically).

On the production server -- how to update

Check that you are in the 'crmadmin' group. Then:

 cd /usr/local/makerspaceleiden-crm
 git pull <right version and branch>

Activate the right vertual environment (rebuild with python3 -menv venv):

 source venv/bin/activate

If needed - make a backup of the database with either

 python3 dumpdata

or (passowrd in makerspaceleiden/my.cnf):

 mysqldump -u mslcrmuser  -p mslcrm

Update PIP if you get warnings first:

 python3.8 -m pip install --upgrade pip

Check for any new static stuff & updates:

 pip3 list --outdated
 pip3 install -r requirements.txt  --upgrade

Next migrate the database if needed:

 python3 makemigrations
 python3 migrate

If the asset changes - then also run the collect static:

 python3 collectstatic --dry-run --noinput

examine the output and then either rerun the command or manually adjust.

And finally restart the webserver:

  sudo apachectl restart

NOTE: var/media contains the images.

XXX todo XXXXX - daphne needs to be setup/restarted and log files - including systemd setup !

So while you can actually wack & redo the entire setup - you will need to preserve var/media. (Perhaps we should move var/media to /var/media - fully outside the tree - as it is also the only thing that 'www-data' can write to.

In production - setup from zero

Note: pretty much everything below is stock/totally-standard django/python Standard Operating Procedure (except for the chmod/chgrp on the var/media upload).

Make sure the baseline tools are present:

  sudo apt-get install python3 libmysqlclient  default-libmysqlclient-dev msmtp-mta apache2 libapache2-mod-uwsgi

The default-libmysqlclient-dev module is needed as pip3 wants mysqlconfig - which is not in the baseline libmysqlclient.

Initial checkout of code:

   cd /usr/local
   git clone

Make evertyin group owned (crmadmin) and add that group to the accounts of those that need to maintain it.

Create random seed

   openssl rand 128 > /etc/crm_secret_key.txt
   chmod 640 /etc/crm_secret_key.txt
   chgrp www-data /etc/crm_secret_key.txt

Allow storing of uploads in media by the suid that the webserver runs as:

   mkdir -p var/media
   chown www-data var/media

Allow server to rotate/recreate logfiles on the fly

   mkdir /var/log/crm
   chown www-data:crmadmin /var/log/crm
   chmod 770 /var/log/crm

Prepare env for python and pull in the various dependencies.

   python3 -mvenv venv
   source ./venv/bin/activate
   pip3 install -r requirements

Set up the framework

   cd makerspaceleiden
   ln -s
   cat > makerspaceledien/my.cnf <<EOM
   database = mslcrm
   user = mslcrmuser
   password = XXXX-passowrd-XXX
   default-character-set = utf8

Create database & user

   mysql (suply database admin arguments as and when needed)
   create database mslcrm;
   create user 'mslcrmuser'@'localhost' identified by 'XXXX-passowrd-XXX';
   grant all priveleges on mslcrm.* to 'mslcrmuser'@'localhost';
   flush priveleges;

Check for issues, init and build database & site

   python3 check --deploy
   python3 makemigrations
   python3 migrate
   python3 collectstatic

Check that email works:

  python3 sendtestemail

Create temp super user so you can log into complete the setup

   python3 createsuperuser

Create apache config

   cat > /etc/apache2/sites-available/crm.conf <<EOM
   WSGIScriptAlias /crm /usr/local/makerspaceleiden-crm/makerspaceleiden/  process-group=crm
   WSGIDaemonProcess crm python-home=/usr/local/makerspaceleiden-crm/venv python-path=/usr/local/makerspaceleiden-crm/
   WSGIProcessGroup  crm 
   Alias /crm-static/ /usr/local/makerspaceleiden-crm/static/
   Alias /media/      /usr/local/makerspaceleiden-crm/var/media/
   <Directory /usr/local/makerspaceleiden-crm/>
        Require all granted
   <Directory /usr/local/makerspaceleiden-crm/static>
           Options None
           order deny,allow
           allow from all
           Require all granted
   <Directory /usr/local/makerspaceleiden-crm/var/media>
           Options None
           order deny,allow
           allow from all
           Require all granted

Activate this setup

   ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/crm.conf  /etc/apache2/sites-active/crm.conf 

Start server and keep an eye on the log:

   apacheclt configtest
   apachectl restart
   tail -F /var/log/apache2/error.log

XXX todo XXXXX - daphne needs to be setup/restarted and log files - including systemd setup !

Now go to and create the initial members/structure. Assign the trustees the super user permission; then delete the temporary admin you made.

Setup Signal Bridge

Requires openjdk, java-dbus-bin and dbussy. Binary package from S; installed in /home/signal-cli (post install 600/700 locked down).

Post install - as user signal-cli - activation is required:

  $ signal-cli -u +317... register -voice
  $ signal-cli -u +317... verify code from call

which will create the right structure in ~/.local.

Source is required for the systemd files - installed with instructions.

Logfile retention

Configured in 'prod' settings - few MBs/days of logs is kept & then rotated out/deleted using the standard RotatingLogging handler.

See for details.

Cleanup and reminder crons

The following entries need to be added to the crontab (either to /etc/cron, to cron.daily/monthly or to the `users' cron):

    MAILFROM="MSL Server (cron)"
    NULLMAILUSER_NAME="MSL Server (cron)"
    # General maintenance mails of
    # m h d m d user  cmd
    1 1 * * * USER test -x /usr/local/makerspaceleiden-crm/ && /usr/local/makerspaceleiden-crm/
    1 2 1 * * USER test -x /usr/local/makerspaceleiden-crm/ && /usr/local/makerspaceleiden-crm/

With 'USER' a user with the right rights.


This is done by the /etc/duplicity/ setup (along with everything else). It does a dump of the MySQL database and captures the whole directory -- which includes var/media -- the uploads.

See the section backup on the general Server setup page.

Mailing list integration

Mailing lists are ran by a third party - The integration via their newly fangled "Sympa" web service -- See Sympa mailing list setup for details.

Query to find duplicates in the subscriptions:

       select * from mailinglists_subscription where id not in (select max(id) from mailinglists_subscription group by mailinglist_id,member_id);