Website setup
On a demo/local laptop
git clone
cd makerspaceleiden-crm sh
then visit <a href="http://localhost:8000/">http://localhost:8000/</a>.
(edit two things in requirements.txt. First, the latest version of Django is 4.1.2 This version causes errors. So take an older version of Django. Second thing is import python-dateutil).
So ```requirements.txt``` starts with:
Django==3.2.10 python-dateutil pytz wheel django-import-export etc...
Note that going to version 4 is fairly trivial with ```django-upgrade``` - but requires a fix in one dependency ( Perhaps we should remove that dependency - it is only used by the trustees really.
Prepare for restarts when editing code with:
source venv/bin/activate
and then do :
python3 runserver
as needed (most changes will be picked up automatically).
On the production server -- how to update
Check that you are in the 'crmadmin' group. Then:
cd /usr/local/makerspaceleiden-crm git pull <right version and branch>
Activate the right vertual environment (rebuild with python3 -menv venv):
source venv/bin/activate
If needed - make a backup of the database with either
python3 dumpdata
or (passowrd in makerspaceleiden/my.cnf):
mysqldump -u mslcrmuser -p mslcrm
Check for any new static stuff & updates:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Next migrate the database if needed:
python3 makemigrations python3 migrate
If the asset changes - then also run the collect static:
python3 collectstatic --dry-run --noinput
examine the output and then either rerun the command or manually adjust.
And finally restart the webserver:
sudo apachectl restart
NOTE: var/media contains the images.
So while you can actually wack & redo the entire setup - you will need to preserve var/media. (Perhaps we should move var/media to /var/media - fully outside the tree - as it is also the only thing that 'www-data' can write to.
In production - setup from zero
Note: pretty much everything below is stock/totally-standard django/python Standard Operating Procedure (except for the chmod/chgrp on the var/media upload).
Make sure the baseline tools are present:
sudo apt-get install python3 libmysqlclient default-libmysqlclient-dev msmtp-mta apache2 libapache2-mod-uwsgi
The default-libmysqlclient-dev module is needed as pip3 wants mysqlconfig - which is not in the baseline libmysqlclient.
Initial checkout of code:
cd /usr/local git clone
Make evertyin group owned (crmadmin) and add that group to the accounts of those that need to maintain it.
Create random seed
openssl rand 128 > /etc/crm_secret_key.txt chmod 640 /etc/crm_secret_key.txt chgrp www-data /etc/crm_secret_key.txt
Allow storing of uploads in media by the suid that the webserver runs as:
mkdir -p var/media chown www-data var/media
Allow server to rotate/recreate logfiles on the fly
mkdir /var/log/crm chown www-data:crmadmin /var/log/crm chmod 770 /var/log/crm
Prepare env for python and pull in the various dependencies.
python3 -mvenv venv source ./venv/bin/activate pip3 install -r requirements
Set up the framework
cd makerspaceleiden ln -s cat > makerspaceledien/my.cnf <<EOM [client] database = mslcrm user = mslcrmuser password = XXXX-passowrd-XXX default-character-set = utf8 EOM
Create database & user
mysql (suply database admin arguments as and when needed) create database mslcrm; create user 'mslcrmuser'@'localhost' identified by 'XXXX-passowrd-XXX'; grant all priveleges on mslcrm.* to 'mslcrmuser'@'localhost'; flush priveleges;
Check for issues, init and build database & site
python3 check --deploy python3 makemigrations python3 migrate python3 collectstatic
Check that email works:
python3 sendtestemail
Create temp super user so you can log into complete the setup
python3 createsuperuser
Create apache config
cat > /etc/apache2/sites-available/crm.conf <<EOM WSGIScriptAlias /crm /usr/local/makerspaceleiden-crm/makerspaceleiden/ process-group=crm WSGIDaemonProcess crm python-home=/usr/local/makerspaceleiden-crm/venv python-path=/usr/local/makerspaceleiden-crm/ WSGIProcessGroup crm Alias /crm-static/ /usr/local/makerspaceleiden-crm/static/ Alias /media/ /usr/local/makerspaceleiden-crm/var/media/ <Directory /usr/local/makerspaceleiden-crm/> <Files> Require all granted </Files> </Directory> <Directory /usr/local/makerspaceleiden-crm/static> Options None order deny,allow allow from all Require all granted </Directory> <Directory /usr/local/makerspaceleiden-crm/var/media> Options None order deny,allow allow from all Require all granted </Directory> EOM
Activate this setup
ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/crm.conf /etc/apache2/sites-active/crm.conf
Start server and keep an eye on the log:
apacheclt configtest apachectl restart tail -F /var/log/apache2/error.log
Now go to and create the initial members/structure. Assign the trustees the super user permission; then delete the temporary admin you made.
Setup Signal Bridge
Requires openjdk, java-dbus-bin and dbussy. Binary package from S; installed in /home/signal-cli (post install 600/700 locked down).
Post install - as user signal-cli - activation is required:
$ signal-cli -u +317... register -voice $ signal-cli -u +317... verify code from call
which will create the right structure in ~/.local.
Source is required for the systemd files - installed with instructions.
Logfile retention
Configured in 'prod' settings - few MBs/days of logs is kept & then rotated out/deleted using the standard RotatingLogging handler.
See for details.
Cleanup and reminder crons
To be configured/written
This is done by the /etc/duplicity/ setup (along with everything else). It does a dump of the MySQL database and captures the whole directory -- which includes var/media -- the uploads.
See the section backup on the general Server setup page.
Mailing list integration
Mailing lists are ran by a third party - we currently use a hack to manage these by faking browser access to their form API.
experimental update
Integration via their newly fangled "Sympa" web service.
Security/Privacy consideration
Our mailing list provider is a processed of our data; and distributes the email to our participants. This is the basis for allowing this party access to the email addresses or our participants - i.e. we only share for that purpose.
With this new interface - we can minimise the information to exactly that. And we stop sharing non-subscribers (which previously had to have nomail set).
Additional measures:
- Gather the /just/ needed data in a single purpose view (minimise)
- Reduce the need for a copy at the provider (no retention at processor)
- Specific user that is restricted to just that view and has only select/view; no write.
- Strong password & secure transfer of the password to the third party (gpg or via their admin interface (TLS/SSL)
- Require the use of SSL/TLS for this user in mysql (protect data and password)
- Lock down of this user to a specific IP in mysql
- Use of IP tables to lock down the connection as a second backstop
- Move to a non-common port (fluff)
- Data processing agreement part of contract with provider. Provider selected as it has an EU presence and sees this core to their commercial offering.
Still open:
- Does the API still need the (full) name - as mailman currently does - for use in the From: ? Or can we further limit this.
- Can we use X.509 client certs for authentication.
- how do we do digest ?
- Not clear how they manage the password / how secure we need to keep their sympa interface
- Does their sympa support 2FA ? (And should we start doing that at some point for admins).
Create a mysql user specific to sympa; $SYMPA_IP is the IP address of their gateway (currently just one) and $secret is a strong password:
create user mlist@$SYMPA_IP identified by '$secret' REQUIRE SSL;
Then create a view with just the data needed:
create view mailinglists_api as select distinct concat(first_name,' ',last_name) "comment_subscriber", name "list", email "user_subscriber", CASE WHEN mailinglists_subscription.digest THEN "digestplain" ELSE "mail" END as "digest" from members_user,mailinglists_subscription,mailinglists_mailinglist where mailinglists_subscription.member_id = and mailinglists_subscription.mailinglist_id = and = 1 order by email with read only;
Add to above
and = 'testlist'
to curtail it to just a test list of so required. And grant this integration user access to just that view:
GRANT SELECT, SHOW VIEW ON mslcrm.mailinglists_api TO mlist@ $SYMPA_IP;
This then in effect gives the following to the right user:
mysql> select distinct * from mailinglists_api where list='testlist'; +-----------------------+------------+----------------------+ | comment_subscriber. | list | user_subscriber | .... +-----------------------+------------+----------------------+ | Ted de Tester | testlist | tester@xxxx.xxxx |.... ...... etc....................................................... +-----------------------+------------+----------------------+ 112 row in set (0.04 sec)
Note that you can use:
SELECT host,user FROM mysql.user where user = 'mlist'; SELECT CONCAT('SHOW GRANTS FOR ' ' ',user,' ' '@' ' ',host,' ' ';') FROM mysql.user;
to check permissions and accounts. Then provide the mailinglist provider with the following file/data:
db_type mysql db_port $PORT db_host $OUR_IP db_user mlist db_passwd $secret db_name mslcrm sql_query select distinct email from mailinglists_api where list = 'spacelog';
Their gpg/pgp key is at
Configure SSL on the right port in /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.conf
[mysqld] ... bind-address =, $OUR_IP port=$PORT ..... ssl_ca=msl-ca.pem ssl_cert=msl-cert.pem ssl_key=msl-cert.key require_secure_transport=ON
The above keys need to be mysql:mysql and 600 (a shared group does not seem to work, nor does a path; perhaps some chroot() going on) so this is set up by adding the script below to /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy/:
#!/bin/sh set -e cd /var/lib/mysql cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/ msl-cert.pem cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/ msl-cert.key cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/ msl-ca.pem chown mysql:mysql msl-* chmod 600 msl-* exit 0
And allow acccess:
sudo ufw allow in from $SYMPA_IP to any port $PORT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s $SYMPA_IP --sport 1024:65535 -d $OUR_IP --dport $PORT \ -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -s 2$OUR_IP --sport $PORT -d $SYMPA_IP --dport 1024:65535 \ -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT