Maintenance Day Spring 2025
We have a maintenance day planned for 15th of March 2025. This is a chance to give some of our machines some TLC.
Todo List
Wood hand tools
- Sharpen chisels
Metal Lathe
- Chuck/spindle is slightly out of alignment. Needs tramming
- Gear box sounds like someone dropped a spanner in there.
- Carriage lock doesn't work
- Align tailstock
- Lubricate (and not with beer) - use ISO68, we have some in the lube cupboard
- check everything around the cooling water/cooling mist
Abene Mill
- Z axis DRO drifts when moving table
Metal chop saw
- Use the megger to check that there is no leakage to earth or between the coils
Table Saw
- Aux table and outfeed table need some TLC
Reinstall timer / auto-off box
Bambu Printer
- The silica pellets in the ams of the Bambuprinter are cleaned, but it sucks to do so and can easily damage the machine. A small amount of new pellets have been added to keep the dehumidifier going, but we need to find an alternative.
- There is not a good space to store the empty filament rolls. I'd suggest making a space where we can store at least 8 empty rolls, with clear labeling.
- MThe poop chute was not attached with tape anymore, which made a small mess at the back. Maybe we could magnetize the chute?
Power tools with a 220v cord
- check for broken plugs and power cords
- possibly Meggen
Space door
- see how we can improve that / get a new spring from Hartwijk and put it in the lock box