Node Wood Lathe

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PoE node voor the woodlathe.


When stationaly - led will flash briefly every few seconds. If it flashes faster - it is unhappy about something.

Swipe your card at the bottom. LED wil come on solid (or flash rapidly during check or error).

Operate machie.

Press orange button once done.


 Thu Jan 23 13:55:07 CET 2020	ac/log/woodlathe woodlathe {
  "state" : "Powered - but idle",
  "heap_free" : 209620,
  "current" : 9.7e-05,
  "rfid_misses" : 4,
  "approve" : 1,
  "running_time" : 8,
  "rfid_scans" : 1,
  "bad_poweroff" : 0,
  "requests" : 1,
  "net" : "UTP",
  "id" : "e8d97ea4ae30",
  "cache_hit" : 1,
  "errors" : 1,
  "machine" : "woodlathe",
  "ip" : "",
  "cache_miss" : 0,
  "deny" : 0,
  "mac" : "30:AE:A4:7E:D9:EB",
  "maxMqtt" : 768,
  "mqtt_reconnects" : 1,
  "loop_rate" : 7184.777,
  "manual_poweroff" : 0,
  "powered_time" : 277,
  "beat" : 1579784108,
  "coreTemp" : 55.55556,
  "node" : "woodlathe",
  "idle_poweroff" : 0,
  "interlock" : false