
Uit MakerSpace Leiden
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Touchscreen near the space door.

Status: being build/designed - not operational


  1. Make sure you set the date & time in the BIOS correctly - as otherwise the HTTPS connections during the install will fail.
  2. The BIOS seems to sometimes loose its mind (battery issue most likely).
  3. To get the Touch panel working
    1. Install a full version of ubuntu.
    2. Disable the second screen
    3. Use the xinput_calibrator calibration command.
    4. Extract the config and safe.
    5. Install [Porteus Kios] and enable SSH and VNC.
    6. Use SSH to copy the created config file into /etc/X11/x.conf.d and `killall -1 X' or reboot.

File as captured:

   # /etc/X11/x.conf.d/99-touchscreen-msl.conf
   Section "InputClass"
   	Identifier	"calibration"
   	MatchProduct	"EloTouchSystems,Inc Elo TouchSystems 2216 AccuTouch® USB Touchmonitor Interface"
   	Option	"Calibration"	"3595 602 562 3428"
   	Option	"SwapAxes"	"0"