Node Chips

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Node for paying Crisps (Chips). Onderdeel van het Space tegoed betalings systeem.


Physical: Kitchen. And telnet:// on the Internet.

What does it do?

The display normally displays a static price. The price is for one packet of crips.

Swipe your door tag just once pay for packet.

Hardware vervangen/repareren

See Payment Terminal with 4 seven segment displays. Current incarnation:

  • Wifi-Mac address: 3C:71:BF:D0:6A:08
  • Software version 1.08
  • Uses Green PCB that has been butchered a fair bit.
  • Normal 220v AC/DC 5 volt power supply (0.2 Watt)
  • Top dot of the 7-segment display has been painted black
  • Boards are floating a bit / rattling in the box.

Network details

Telnet to for details. MQTT logging:

ac/log/4x7-1-08-d06a08 Crispy Crisps, Crokante Chips 
  "rfid_scans": 0,
  "rfid_misses": 0,
  "ota": true,
  "state": 3,
  "IP_address": "",
  "Mac_address": "3C:71:BF:D0:6A:08",
  "Paid": 0.00,
  "PaidSeconds": 0,
  "Version": "F1-08",
  "Firmware": "4x7-1-08-d06a08",
  "heap": 187000,
  "coreTemp": 53.3,
  "loopRate": 20.0

The low loop rate is as we're currently not using the IRQ wire; but rely on synchronous polling.

Display messages

  1. During startup
    1. F X-YY - version number firmware during booting.
    2. CONN - connecting to WiFi
    3. NTP - getting the time
    4. F CA - Fetching the Certificate Authority
    5. F PL - Fetching the price list
    6. FAIL - failed to connect to WiFi; will reboot.
    7. any error message - scrolling error message & after which either reboot or hang if it unrecoverable.
  2. At the end of startup (from this point onwards OTA is possible).
    1. ---- - fully started up; but have not yet gotten the pricelist
    2. no prices - price list could not be fetched. Will retry for a few minutes every 15 seconds; then reboot.
  3. In normal payment mode
    1. X.YY - price to pay when you swipe. There is no leading zero.
    2. [--] - in the process of paying
    3. FAIL - payment failed
    4. paid - you have paid
    5. MM:SS -- a minute and second countdown. Once at zero - the heating switches off. There is always a leading zero.
    6. any error message - scrolling error message.
      1. FAIL -1 - netwerk/wifi error. Powercyle de unit.
      2. FAIL -4 - netwerk/wifi error. Powercyle de unit.
      3. FAIL 40X Gebruik je een geldige tag ?
      4. FAIL 500 Error op de server; mail noc@.
  4. During Over the Air reprogramming.
    1. PROG - start of OTA update
    2. F XX - OTA; uploading new firmware; XX is the percentage fetched
    3. DONE - successful end of OTA. Unit will reboot.
    4. any error message - scrolling error message & after which the device will switch back to the old/current firmware
      1. FO:AF - OTA authentication failed
      2. FO:BF - OTA begin failed
      3. FO:CF - OTA connect failed
      4. FO:RF - OTA receive failed
      5. FO:EF - OTA end failed
      6. FO:OF - OTA 'other' failure
  5. During initial pairing / post an OTA
    1. REG Registering with the server
    2. PAIR requesting to pair; swipe an admin tag.
    3. Er::PL failed to get a pricelist - typically as it has not been associated with a station/pricelist in yet.
    4. any error message - scrolling error message.

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