Megger / Insulation Meter
"Megger" or Insulation meter - can be used to measure the isolation; for example of our 3 phase motors in the Metal Mitresaw, the Circular Table Saw or any of our normal 2 phase electric machines.
It works by putting 500V or a 1000V across the measuring probes and then checking, measuring, if the resistance is well in the mega ohms.
This means that, during measurement, there is a lethal, 1000V, across the probes !
So you must use well isolated test probes - and not hold these in your hand.
Bought by the space early 2024
This equipment is safety category 4:
- In-person, instructions strongly advised but not mandatory.
- Reading, and following, the instructions on the Wiki is mandatory!
This equipment is Noise Category 3: Can be used at all hours. No limits.
Handle with care.
This is a precision tool with exact dimensions and straightness.
That means: handle it gently, don't hammer on it or use it as a crowbar and so on.
(if you need a crowbar - these are wonderful for that!)
It is very important that if you accidentally drop it or think it may be out of line
- either mark the tool very clearly...
- or report this to the mailing list... that your fellow makers do not ruin their work.