Wood Gouges

Uit MakerSpace Leiden
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This equipment is safety category 6: Other equipment with no limits.

This equipment is safety category 6: Other equipment with no limits.

This equipment is Noise Category 3: Can be used at all hours. No limits.

Various wood gouges and chisels - owned by the Space. Donated by Marc Paulusma.

- 12 chisels

- 27 gouges

- 1 gouge without a handle


Wood gouges

Several wood gouges and chisels. Meant for handwork, not woodturning. Originally from an old school, so multiple sets of the same gouge types can be made. The number on some of the handles represent the curve of the tool.


Temporary location until a proper case has been found
Location wood gouges2.jpg


At time of donation the tools need some love to be usable.


Date What
2025-01 Gouges donated.