ESR Meter for Capacitors
IN progress - not yet finished
ESR meters - to check capacitors.
Todo: make box for it; find place & document. Announce on list.
Typical use
To test electrolyte capacitors; especially older ones.
- For large/high voltage capacitors - discharge with a 1k resistor without your hands touching the wires.
- Power the unit on by pressing on/test
- Attach the clips
- Unit will generally auto detect the connection and start testing
- After the beep - see the values and consult the below chart
- Box (to be made)
- Unit
- 2 test clips
- Manual
- ??
Bought by the space december 2024
This equipment is safety category 6: Other equipment with no limits.
This equipment is Noise Category 3: Can be used at all hours. No limits.
Handle with care.
This is a precision tool with exact dimensions and straightness.
That means: handle it gently, don't hammer on it or use it as a crowbar and so on.
(if you need a crowbar - these are wonderful for that!)
It is very important that if you accidentally drop it or think it may be out of line
- either mark the tool very clearly...
- or report this to the mailing list... that your fellow makers do not ruin their work.