Elektrische figuurzaag (Scrollsaw)

Uit MakerSpace Leiden
Versie door DirkWillem (overleg | bijdragen) op 29 nov 2018 om 12:28 (blades)
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This equipment is safety category 6: Other equipment with no limits.

This equipment is Noise Category 3: Can be used at all hours. No limits.

We have several electrical jigsaws. One is usually sitting in the woodshop on the bench. The others are usually on top of the cupboard in the metal working area or near the toilets.

We do not yet have a fixed places for the replacement saw blades.



If you need blades for them - you typically want the `figuurzaag met dwarsstift’; [Hartwijk] and the local builder shops usually have them.

If you want to be re-imbursed; keep the receipt & tell the mailing lists that you've bought them.


These machines are for wood and metal; but acrylic and similar materials work fine.

Metal use

Do not use the machine in the woodshop for metal (to avoid contaminating the wood with oil and filing; this ruining peoples lacquer). Instead take one of the other machines to the metal shop and use it there.