Angle Vice

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This equipment is safety category 5: Equipment that is relatively fragile or expensive

  • In person instructions is not mandatory.
  • Reading the wiki, and following the instructions, is mandatory.

This equipment is Noise Category 3: Can be used at all hours. No limits.


We have an angle vice for use on the big Abene mill.

Where to find it?

It is currently stored on the green metal shelving to the right of the mill, and to the left of the blue cupboard.

How to use it

To mount it on the mill table will require four bolts, t-nuts and bolts. The M14 threaded set we have mounted on the wall works, but the threaded section is not quite the right length so you'll need to fill the space with something such as a strap clamp. The threads are a snug fit in the slots on the vice.


The vice is adjustable from 0° to 90°.

Note that this is not the most rigid of setups and chatter will be a problem. Consider using a machinest jack to support things.

When working on steel angles you will run out of space on Z. This will require either extra long end mills, end mill holders, or some other creative forms of work holding.