Hamer Hout / Hammer Wood
This equipment is safety category 6: Other equipment with no limits.
This equipment is Noise Category 3: Can be used at all hours. No limits.
Various Hammers - owned by the Space.
Do not use these hammers near oil or other things that can soil them (and the next persons work). Silicon and oil residue in particular will ruin certain laquer and paintworks; even in minute quantities. There are general purpose hammers in the Metal section that should be used for that.
[verbergen]General Wood Hammers
A claw hammer and 2 normal hammers. Can be used for anything that needs a wack - such as nails.
Do not hammer other hammers or similar (tool) metal. Things will shatter.
Wooden mallets
The two woden mallets are for wacking wooden things without damaging them.
Really not suitable for whacking metal things. For that use the special metal-wacking hammer from nylon listed below (white head).
Orange Dead Blow hammers (terugslagloze hamers
Serve the same purpose as wooden mallets - but have the advantage that they do not bounce back (the head is filled with sand).
Not suitable for whacking metal things. For that use the nylon hammer below.
Nylon hamers
Serve the same purpose as wooden mallets - but suitable for whacking metal things.
If you really need to wack stiff metal things - use the nylon hammer on the board behind the Abene Metal Mill.
Date | What |
2019-05 | The middle size blue hammer was replaced. The old one was lost. |
2019-08 | The middle size blue hammer found. We now have 2. |