Safety Sheet

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We have safety sheet for most machines (see also SAFETY). These are currently made by a small script.

Creating one for a new machine

Ensure you have 'Latex' installed on your machine. The links at

contain versions for Mac, Linux and Windows.

Then check out (or download the ZIP with the button in the top right hand corner):

  git clone

Next open the file:


in the Latex Editor you downloaded in step 1.

Go to the end of the file and search for the last line that says

  /machinePage{Some Machine ....

and then create something for your machine. It is usually easiest to copy an existing machine that is much the same. An example would be:

  \machinePage{Pottery Oven}{Mandatory}{
  This oven is for pottery, ceramics, annealing and similar use. It gets very hot.
  Please write down the electricity use and pay this.
  \prohib{75}{No mid-bake opening}{This oven is not designed to be opened while hot. Or to have contents removed (or added) while hot.}
  \prohib{75}{No fumes}{This oven has no exhaust. So no metal melting or similar.}
  \warn{118}{Bare electric wires inside}{Do not open the oven while powered on. The heating spirals are not isolated.}
  Stay with the machine while it is powered.

The first field is the name of the machine, Pottery Oven in above. The next field is the main safety class. The options are Approval, Noise, Two, Log, DeWalt and NoMandatory. These stand for manadatory approval, no noise making, two people present, keep a log, use the DeWalt dustextractor and NoMandatory instructions needed.

The block below it the general intro.

The third block contains the various prohibitions and warnings. Look at the other entries for examples. The first field is the page number from the big ISO document with all the symbols; the second field is the main warning and the third is an (optional) explanation. It is usually eaiest to copy something from another machine.

And the final block is an optional block which is printed large.

Once you've edited - run the compile or typeset in your tool. And you should get a page at the end of all the other pages with your instructions.

Once done - print a copy; save one as a PNG image for the Wiki and if possible `push' your page back to the GIT repository. If that is unfamiliar territory - then simply email your block of text to the deelnemers@ list - and someone will help you.

Generic unsafe Notice


Occasionally you need to bypass the relay and/or the main connection to the power safeties. Putting this note up is good practice.