Sand Blasting Cabinet / Zandstraalcabine
This equipment is safety category 3:
- Mandatory, in person, instructions.
- Make sure you read the Wiki before asking.
This equipment is Noise Category 3: Can be used at all hours. No limits.
(Abrasive) Dust Inhalation Risk
The blasting-powder, such as glass beads, that used for blasting are very small and generally designed to be abrasive. They also break during the process, creating sharp fine dust that is generally also very abrasive.
Small abrasive particles, such as those that contain quarts, are harmful when inhaled. Likewise - the blasting-powder may contain (old lead) paint or other remnants of the blasted object that are harmful to your heath.
- Use respiratory protection when there is a risk of inhaling any dust. Such as when
- You remove objects from the chamber.
- Or when removing used glass beads or replenishing with new ones.
Used abrasive should be double-bagged (two plastic bags, one inside the other) for extra protection when disposed.
Contamination Risk
When using the sandblasting cabinet, be aware that the sandblasting cabinet may contain contaminants like paint, chemicals, or rust from previous projects. If your object will come into contact with food, skin, or needs to be clean, make sure to thoroughly clean it after sandblasting.
Avoid directing the blast toward your fingers
The thick rubber gloves are not as durable as they appear, and it can be very painful if the abrasive breaks through them.
Zorg er voor dat:
- de grote perslucht compressor aan staat, want de zandstraalcabine heeft luchtdruk nodig
- De afzuiging aan staat
- De afzuigklep bij de zandstraler open staat (en op andere plaatsen dicht, anders verlies je onderdruk. Na gebruik weer sluiten!)
- De zandstraalcabine aan staat (knop aan de linker zijkant en de masterswitch aan de muur!)
Voor meer informatie over glas zandstralen zie: Glas Zandstralen
Ga naar de grote werkplaats. De zandstraal cabine staat meteen rechts; achterin de lashoek.
Also Known As
Sand blast cabinet, Zand straal cabine, Zandstraal cabine.