VNA - Vector Network Analyser
This equipment is Noise Category 3: Can be used at all hours. No limits.
This equipment is safety category 5: Equipment that is relatively fragile or expensive
- In person instructions is not mandatory.
- Reading the wiki, and following the instructions, is mandatory.
Vector Network Analyser - possible manuals:
Currently in a box with 0802 capacitors that are suitable for RC522 RFID tuning.
Electronics section, shelf under the components drawers in a wooden box.
Box content
- VNA analyser up to 900 Mhz
- One USB-A/USB-C cable for charging and fetching graphs
- 2 SMA to SMA cables, male
One SMA male to U.FL male- One closed connector, 0 ohm for calibration
- One 50 ohm terminator, for calibration
- One open connector, for calibration
- One inter SMA to SMA connector
- SMA male to cable top solder to boards
- A range of 1p-1nF capacitors to help with turning MFRC522/RFC522 RFID readers. Larger capacitors are also available
Making off
Files used to create the box: and .
Redo the foam in the box to fit the SMA cables, make the connector slot less deep & make the capacitor slots a bit bigger.