Network setup overview: verschil tussen versies

Uit MakerSpace Leiden
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(Mac Addresses)
(Mac Addresses)
Regel 561: Regel 561:
| class="td1" style="width: 102px;" valign="top" data-mce-style="width: 102px;"|dewalt
| class="td1" style="width: 102px;" valign="top" data-mce-style="width: 102px;"|dewalt
| class="td1" style="width: 156px;" valign="top" data-mce-style="width: 156px;"|A0:20:A6:04:5A:45
| class="td1" style="width: 156px;" valign="top" data-mce-style="width: 156px;"|A0:20:A6:04:5A:45
| class="td1" style="width: 225px;" valign="top" data-mce-style="width: 225px;"| Grote olifant, zie [[GroteStofAfzuiger]] en [[NodeDeWalt]]
| class="td1" style="width: 225px;" valign="top" data-mce-style="width: 225px;"|Grote olifant, zie [[GroteStofAfzuiger]] en [[NodeDeWalt]]
| class="td1" style="width: 102px;" valign="top" data-mce-style="width: 102px;"|jointer
| class="td1" style="width: 102px;" valign="top" data-mce-style="width: 102px;"|jointer
| class="td1" style="width: 156px;" valign="top" data-mce-style="width: 156px;"|CC:50:E3:8C:31:A4
| class="td1" style="width: 156px;" valign="top" data-mce-style="width: 156px;"|CC:50:E3:8C:31:A4
| class="td1" style="width: 225px;" valign="top" data-mce-style="width: 225px;"| Zie [[Vlakbank]]
| class="td1" style="width: 225px;" valign="top" data-mce-style="width: 225px;"|[[Vandiktebank]] eb [[NodeVanDikteBank]]
| class="td1" style="width: 102px;" valign="top" data-mce-style="width: 102px;"|planer
| class="td1" style="width: 102px;" valign="top" data-mce-style="width: 102px;"|planer
| class="td1" style="width: 156px;" valign="top" data-mce-style="width: 156px;"|30:AE:A4:7E:D9:D8
| class="td1" style="width: 156px;" valign="top" data-mce-style="width: 156px;"|30:AE:A4:7E:D9:D8
| class="td1" style="width: 225px;" valign="top" data-mce-style="width: 225px;"| Zie [[Vandiktebank]]
| class="td1" style="width: 225px;" valign="top" data-mce-style="width: 225px;"|[[Vlakbank]] en [[NodeVlakbank]]
| class="td1" style="width: 102px;" valign="top" data-mce-style="width: 102px;"|spacedeur
| class="td1" style="width: 102px;" valign="top" data-mce-style="width: 102px;"|spacedeur
| class="td1" style="width: 156px;" valign="top" data-mce-style="width: 156px;"|cc:50:e3:8b:27:c7
| class="td1" style="width: 156px;" valign="top" data-mce-style="width: 156px;"|cc:50:e3:8b:27:c7
| class="td1" style="width: 225px;" valign="top" data-mce-style="width: 225px;"| Zie [[NodeSpacedeur]]
| class="td1" style="width: 225px;" valign="top" data-mce-style="width: 225px;"|[[NodeSpacedeur]]

Versie van 11 okt 2023 om 13:24


Network Overview.

Patch panels

special punchdown

The patchpanels are mounted at the top of the rack. Both are Black, with `Avaya' on it. Requires a special punch down tool(i.e. not the usual 'gap' one - but likely a '['110']) Ask HansS.

The 'B' panel has the right colour coding on the back (T685B); the 'A' panel shows both; you want the one labeled 'B'.

Top row - panel A

Poort Gepatched naar Aansluiting Opmerkingen
1 HP-9 Lora-Node (MVN) Op het dak
2 HP-3 NodeTussendeur
3 NSA-ETH3 keuken 1 (ADSL uplink) Naar de WAN (tweede) poort van het zwarte routertje, rode draad
4 NC keuken 2
5 HP-10 AP2 voorruimte
6 NC Losse kabel Boven Whiteboard voorruimte
7 NC Losse kabel boven 19" kast
8 HP-16 AP1 Grote ruimte boven toilet
9 HP-5 NodeVoordeur
10 HP-7 NodeSpacedeur
11 HP-11 Lasersaur Bovenste doos; linker socket; rode kabel
12 HP-13 Red Laser Engraver Bovenste doos; rechter socket
13 NC NC WCD op CV; Rechts; naast de poort voor de Lintzaag, zie ook #17
14 NET-3 goot voorruimte
15 NET-5 goot voorruimte
16 NC losse patchkabel boven 19" kast
17 HP-6 NodeBandsaw 30:AE:A4:24:67:8B WCD op CV; Links, zie ook #13 op Lintzaag Centauro 500 CO
18 HP-8 NodeWoodlathe B8:27:EB:98:6D:85 Houtdraaibank
19 HP-4 NodeTablesaw 30:AE:A4:6E:D2:47 Cirkelzaagtafel SCM L'Invincible
20 HP-18 Blauwe laser Onderste WCD; linker socket (Blauwe laser)
21 HP-15 leeg/niet in gebruik Onderste WCD; rechter socket
22 HP-17 AP 3
23 NC Losse kabel op rol in de kast
24 NC NC

Bottom row - panel B

Poort Gepatched naar Aansluiting Opmerkingen
1 NC WCD-door Left WCD slot above the main space door.
2 NC WCD-door Right WCD slot above the main space door.
3 HP-1 NodeByeBye Hard wired to the Bye Bye node screwed to the inside of the main space door. Port 22.
4 NC SpacePanel Hard wired to the Touch screen near the grote schakelaar. (note: Green, Orange & Blue pairs deviant)
5 NC Grote Frees Op stalen bind (linker poort) [sluit de gele kabel naar de frees PC niet aan]
6 NC Grote Frees Op stalen bind (rechter poort) [sluit de gele kabel naar de frees PC niet aan]
7 NC Abene Los in de schakelkast
8 NC Hout 2 cable
10 HP-14 NodeMetal MetalNode zit op de muur, onder de schakelkast voor de Abene en de grote stationaire slijpmachine
11 BSW Goot voorruimte Brother Full Duplex Colour Laser Printer
12 BSW Goot voorruimte Cura Ultimaker 3 Extended
13 HP19
De node voor de compressor zit op de muur bij de Blauwe 5HP_Perslucht_Compressor
14 Netgear/7 kWh meter kWh meter bij de meterkast. MAC: D0:22:12:B8:01:64
15 HP/3 NodeTrash Vuilnisbak waarschuwen 8c:4b:14:85:8d:d7
16 NC NC
17 NC NC
18 NC NC
19 NC NC
20 NC NC
21 NC NC
22 NC NC
23 NC NC
24 NC NC



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Servers, Routers, Modems

Er zijn twee routers; de blauwe in productie; de zwarte fan-loze als backup. Beide draaien pfSense met een recht-toe-recht aan configuratie (maar zie te tunnels in MTA-Setup kWh en MTA-Setup - via de web interface).

De blauwe router heeft een scherm/keyboard. De backup unit is benaderbaar via Serial: 115200/ 8N1 en heeft een 12V adaptor nodig.


Internet connection is provided by a FritzBox Model nnnn

The Fritzbox does not acts as the DHCP server for the Makerspace network. De DHCP van de FritzBox wordt alleen door pfsense (de router hierboven) gebruikt. De router deelt dan DHCP uit aan het netwerk van de Makerspace.

Mac Addresses

Inventory of current active network nodes

IP address MAC Hostname Description Lease type MAC Vendor 00:10:F3:15:AE:E9 MSLFW01 FreeBSD router on NSA1083 Permanent Nexcom International Co., Ltd
  B8:EE:65:B1:FE:73 Television ? DHCP pool PhilipsTelevision
  28:c6:3f:c0:13:f9 rodin mac mini with the 3D scanner dhcp pool Intel
  cc:50:e3:8b:27:c7 spacedeur   dhcp pool EspressifSmart Device
  30:ae:a4:13:e9:3f tussendeur   dhcp pool EspressifSmart Device
  30:ae:a4:09:05:87 voordeur   dhcp pool EspressifSmart Device
  3c:71:bf:0c:8c:93 byebye   dhcp pool EspressifSmart Device
  30:ae:a4:7e:d9:eb woodlathe   dhcp pool EspressifSmart Device
  30:AE:A4:24:67:8B lintzaag   dhcp pool EspressifSmart Device
  A0:20:A6:07:93:F3 compressor   dhcp pool EspressifSmart Device 4C:11:AE:D7:97:2F bluecompressor   dhcp pool EspressifSmart Device
  00:09:34:5a:aa:0e   ? dhcp pool Dream-Multimedia-Tv GmbH) 84:1b:5e:5d:70:d8 MSLAP01 WiFi access point 01 dhcp static Netgear 84:1b:5e:5d:67:f8 MSLAP02 WiFi access point 02 dhcp static Netgear 00:8e:f2:4f:e3:48 MSLAP03 WiFi access point 03 dhcp static NetgearWi-Fi Extender d0:7e:28:26:71:6e MSLSW01 Switch 01 (HPE V1910-24G-P) dhcp static HP V1910-24G-PoE (365W)Switch 00:1d:b3:a7:8c:c0 MSLSW02 Switch 02 (HP procurve 2626-PWR) dhcp static HP ProCurve J8164ASwitch 00:8e:f2:49:71:98 MSLSW03 Switch 03 (GS724TP) dhcp static Netgear GS724TPSwitch d0:5f:b8:fe:a0:c9 lasersaur Lasersaur - IP in sync met wiki. dhcp static Texas Instruments
n.c. 00:02:F7:F0:4B:01 red laser now used by kWh meter ? ARM d0:22:12:b8:01:64 kWh DIN Rail kWh meter onder groepenkast. Permanent Schleifenbauer 00:02:F7:F3:46:EB blue laser   ? ARM
  3c:71:bf:10:62:a7 LightsOut   dhcp pool EspressifSmart Device
  30:ae:a4:6e:d2:47 tablesaw   dhcp pool EspressifSmart Device
  5c:cf:7f:0f:87:6f ESP_0F876F ? dhcp pool EspressifSmart Device
  a0:20:a6:02:52:4f ESP_02524F ? dhcp pool EspressifSmart Device
  18:fe:34:f1:fd:71 ESP_F1FD71 ? dhcp pool EspressifSmart Device
  18:fe:34:f1:fa:51 ESP_F1FA51 ? dhcp pool EspressifSmart Device
  E8:2A:EA:1B:35:82 Generic ? dhcp pool Intel b8:27:eb:de:d9:03 Hermes internal server dhcp static     NodeMetal dhcp pool  
   34:31:c4:2b:40:d5   FritzBox Permanent AVM GmbH 00:10:f3:15:ae:e8 MSLFW01 FreeBSD router on NSA1083 Permanent Nexcom International Co., Ltd C8:C9:A3:CC:2A:F4 Spotheater ESP32 DHCP Expressiv


Above Mac Addresses are extracted directly from the switch, so actually 'seen" in the network.

Below Mac Addresses come from a different source, so further investigation is needed. Note that the first 3 of these nodes are only visible on the network when their machines are plugged into a wall socket. Which they are normally not.

dewalt A0:20:A6:04:5A:45 Grote olifant, zie GroteStofAfzuiger en NodeDeWalt
jointer CC:50:E3:8C:31:A4 Vandiktebank eb NodeVanDikteBank
planer 30:AE:A4:7E:D9:D8 Vlakbank en NodeVlakbank
spacedeur cc:50:e3:8b:27:c7 NodeSpacedeur

Wiring Standard

Color codes wiring. T568B -- `Orange Boven' is the wiring standard used at the space.

color codes UTP wiring