Decoupeerzaag (Electric Jigsaw)
This equipment is safety category 6: Other equipment with no limits.
This equipment is Noise Category 3: Can be used at all hours. No limits.
We have several electrical jigsaws (of Decoupeerzagen in het Nederlands).
We do not yet have a fixed places for the replacement saw blades.
Blades break easily; spare ones cost around a 5 for a pack of 5 or so. New ones are above the woodshop bench (though we run out regularly).
If you need blades for them; [Hartwijk] and the local builder shops usually have them. You really want the right type for wood, metal or whatever you are sawing. Most people keep a set of private ones.
If you want to be re-imbursed; keep the receipt & tell the mailing lists that you've bought them.
These machines are for wood and metal; but acrylic and similar materials work fine.
Metal use
Do not use the machine in the woodshop for metal (to avoid contaminating the wood with oil and filing; this ruining peoples lacquer).
Instead take one of the machines from the cupboard to the metal shop and use it there. And clean well afterwards.