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This equipment is safety category 6: Other equipment with no limits.

This equipment is Noise Category 3: Can be used at all hours. No limits.

Handle with care - fragile ! Handle with care.
This is a precision tool with exact dimensions and straightness.
That means: handle it gently, don't hammer on it or use it as a crowbar and so on.
(if you need a crowbar - these are wonderful for that!)

It is very important that if you accidentally drop it or think it may be out of line

  • either mark the tool very clearly...
  • or report this to the mailing list...

...so that your fellow makers do not ruin their work.

Dit gereedschap is van Dirk-Willem en in bruikleen gegeven aan de Space.

123 Block

Metrische 123 Blokken. Zie https://rick.sparber.org/123.pdf of YouTube voor een ovezicht waar ze voor gebruikt worden. Of vraag het even.


The 1-2-3 blocks can be find in the 5th drawer down in the blue cabinet with the other machinest tools. They are stored in the box with the adjustable angle block.

Zie ook

Zie ook de V-Blocks en het Graden_V-Block.