Drills, Machinist set

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This equipment is Noise Category 3: Can be used at all hours. No limits.

This equipment is safety category 3:

  • Mandatory, in person, instructions.
  • Make sure you read the Wiki before asking.
Doos 1-6
Doos 6-12

We keep a set of drills; 0.1mm steps separate from our normal Metal_Drills in the blue cabinet.

Instructions mandatory

This is for use of those that had Metal lathe and Metal mill instructions only.

See Metal Drills and Category:Drills for general use drills.

See also

Boorsnelheid RPM / drilling speed and Cutting oil


Blue cabinet. Metal lathe and Metal mill instructions mandatory.


Sets donated by Dirk-Willem mid 2019.

Sets replaced 8/6/2023 (paid by MSL)