
Uit MakerSpace Leiden
Versie door DirkWillem (overleg | bijdragen) op 15 feb 2025 om 19:45 (Board Blue-014 - Rework (none))
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Early 2025; version 1.14 variation of the PowerNode White: order of 15 units; 25/01/23 fab date; see also this page on configuration details.

NodeWhite - Blue boards; 1.14, Front NodeWhite - Blue boards; 1.14, Back

Initial Bringup / checkout

Board 001 (selected as sacrificial):

  1. Optically checked soldering/board as is
  2. Plug in USB-C
    1. Check 3v3 and 5v power; check red LED comes one.
    2. Check for magic smoke/things getting hot (nothing should)
    3. check detection of serial port/driver. It won't have any output at this point
  3. PoE powering
    1. Solder in RJ45 connector
    2. Place solder bridges Vpwr, V5 to VPOE/VPOE5 in Source field
    3. Do not place the Vpwr/5V bridges in the PoE field - these should be better labeled: e.g. have an 'OFF' text added to them like the one just above.
    4. Plug in PoE ethernet; check voltages: 5V, 3v3 and Vpwr==5V
  4. ESP32
    1. Solder in the ESP32 -- revision used:
      1. Chip is ESP32-D0WD-V3 (revision v3.1)
      2. MAC: 08:a6:f7:b0:72:ac
    2. Unplug PoE ethernet; plug in USB;
    3. Check 115200 baud visibility of ESP32 (press reset if needed). Should see
      ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46 ... rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
    4. Check upload with default Arduino example `Blink' app against LEDs set to OUT1/OUT2 (GPIO 16, GPIO4) with ESP32 -> ESP32-WROOM-DA module with settings Arduino blink check and Arduino blink code.
    5. Uploading at 115200 should work.
      1. If it fails - go drop speed
      2. For proper board with proper/non-counterfeit chips - 921600 baud works stable and well.
      3. Check the schematic for the 33 Ohm resistors that are supposed to help with the impedance/driving.
  5. PoE and ESP32
    1. Remove from USB; plug into PoE and check LEDs start flashing as soon as the power LED comes on.
  6. From this point on - use a Galvanic USB isolator when connecting to the board with Ethernet plugged in.
  7. Solder in Buzzer, OLED display (if needed), buttons, connectors
    1. Test with plain PowerNode install & check screen & menu cycling
  8. Check RDIF
    1. Holding an RFID card should cause two beeps. Use the VNA - Vector Network Analyser with this information to check.
    2. Check IP allocation on screen/serial and check web interface
  9. (Optional) solder on final power selection, fuses, sensors, etc.

Problems during bringup

  1. Accidental solder bridge between pin 13/14 of ESP32 made it look like the switch was not mechanically not working (stuck in 0).
  2. Ethernet LED does not work (known issue)
  3. PoE LED does not work (not yet investiaged)

Test script for the (newish) AW chip

    #include <Adafruit_AW9523.h>
    Adafruit_AW9523 aw;
    int I2C_SDA = 05; // 21 is the default
    int I2C_SCL = 15; // 22 is the default
    int IRQ_PIN =  35; // not yet tested
    bool _irq_seen = 0;
    void irq() { _irq_seen = true; };
    void setup() {
      Serial.println("Adafruit AW9523 test!");
      Wire.begin(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL);
      if (! aw.begin(0x58)) 
        Serial.println("AW9523 not found? Check wiring!");
      Serial.println("AW9523 found/OK");
      attachInterrupt(IRQ_PIN, irq, CHANGE);
      for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
        aw.pinMode(i, INPUT);
        aw.enableInterrupt(i, true);
    void loop() {
      if (_irq_seen) {
        _irq_seen = false;
      static unsigned long lst = millis();
      if (millis() - lst < 200) return;
      lst = millis();
      for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
        if (i % 4 == 3) Serial.print(".");


  1. Add the word 'OFF' to the labels of all bridges in the PoE field (and not just the top one)

Soldered on Features

Board Blue-001

  • OLED screen, ESP32-WROOM-DA, Buzzer, override contacts
  • PoE powered; VUSB allowed
  • 100k Potentiometer for voltage setting
  • Vpwr Voltage set to 12V
  • 5A/250VAC relay; 12V coil
  • Error LED, Output 1, 2 LEDs on front (all red)
  • Extra LEDS:
    • LEDE Green : Heartbeat (toppost, pulses gently green in normal operation
    • LEDD Orange : Lit up on LAN/WiFi error
    • LEDC Red:
    • LEDB Red: Lit up when not paired/not functional/out of order
    • LEDA Red: Lit up on output override/error
  • Normal green connector; `arrow' to the nearest side of board



Board Blue-012

  • OLED screen, ESP32-WROOM-DA, Buzzer, override contacts
  • PoE powered; VUSB allowed
  • 0R bridge replaced by fixed 27k Resistor on Vpwr; fixed to ~12Volt
  • 2x12V coil, 8A/250VAC DPDT relay (Orange style) on output 1 and 2
  • Error LED, Output 1, 2 LEDs on front (all red)
  • Extra LEDS:
    • LEDE Green : Heartbeat (toppost, pulses gently green in normal operation
    • LEDD Orange : Lit up on LAN/WiFi error
    • LEDC Red:
    • LEDB Red: Lit up when not paired/not functional/out of order
    • LEDA Red: Lit up on output override/error
  • Normal green connector; `arrow' to the nearest side of board
  • ZMCT118F current coil - 68R burden; 1000:1; 0..35 Ampere; 0.7 volt/10 Ampere



Board Blue-013 - Rework #2

In use at the Node Bandsaw for the Lintzaag Centauro 500 CO

  • White OLED screen, ESP32-WROOM-DA, Buzzer, override contacts
  • Only YES/NO button as it replaces a white Node Bandsaw board.
  • PoE powered; VUSB allowed
  • 0R bridge replaced by fixed 27k Resistor on Vpwr; fixed to ~12Volt
  • 1x12V coil, 8A/250VAC DPDT relay (Orange style) on output 1 ony
  • Normal green connector; `arrow' to the nearest side of board
  • ZMCT118F current coil - ~220R burden; 1000:1; 0..35 Ampere; 0.7 volt/10 Ampere


  1. Added 100 ohm resistor and zener in the current transformer circuit
  2. Removed/bridged 2x68k on opto's. May actually not be needed.

Board Blue-015 - Rework (none)

Prepared - part harvested from drowned/water logged white bandsaw node that died.

  • Blue OLED screen, ESP32-WROOM-DA, Buzzer, override contacts
  • 1x green; 2x black 6x6mm button
  • PoE powered; VUSB allowed; Vpwr set to 5V (0R bridge left in place)
  • Normal green connector; `arrow' to the nearest side of board


  1. none -- 4x68k resistors tested with 220; appears ok.