Large HSS drills
This equipment is safety category 6: Other equipment with no limits.
This equipment is Noise Category 3: Can be used at all hours. No limits.
These are generic large size drills (sizes 14, 16, 17,18, 19, 20,22 and 25) for use in wood, plastic, metal, etc.
Consult a table with RPMs - as that starts to matter at these sizes.
Also; unless you are dealing with very soft wood - expect to drill in steps of 1-3mm; going from small to large.
Thin material
If you need to drill through material (e.g. sheets) that is 1/4 of the drill diameter of thinner; check the various tricks on YouTube first (
And generally - using one of the Step-drill/getrapte boor works better; or the Grote Gaten Zaag - Large Hole Saw for bigger holes.
One box in the wood shop; one in the metal shop. Both near the Drill press / boorkolom
See also
The Wood Drills and Mechanics Drill bit, Korte Boren, DIN1897
Ownership, History
Owned by the space; bought early March 2020.