Early 2025; version 1.14 variation of the PowerNode White: order of 15 units; 25/01/23 fab date; see also this page on configuration details.
[verbergen]Initial Bringup / checkout
Board 001 (selected as sacrificial):
- Optically checked soldering/board as is
- Plug in USB-C
- Check 3v3 and 5v power; check red LED comes one.
- Check for magic smoke/things getting hot (nothing should)
- check detection of serial port/driver. It won't have any output at this point
- PoE powering
- Solder in RJ45 connector
- Place solder bridges Vpwr, V5 to VPOE/VPOE5 in Source field
- Do not place the Vpwr/5V bridges in the PoE field - these should be better labeled: e.g. have an 'OFF' text added to them like the one just above.
- Plug in PoE ethernet; check voltages: 5V, 3v3 and Vpwr==5V
- ESP32
- Solder in the ESP32 -- revision used:
- Chip is ESP32-D0WD-V3 (revision v3.1)
- MAC: 08:a6:f7:b0:72:ac
- Unplug PoE ethernet; plug in USB;
- Check 115200 baud visibility of ESP32 (press reset if needed). Should see
ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46 ... rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
- Check upload with default Arduino example `Blink' app against LEDs set to OUT1/OUT2 (GPIO 16, GPIO4) with ESP32 -> ESP32-WROOM-DA module with settings
- Uploading at 115200 should work.
- If it fails - go drop speed
- For proper board with proper/non-counterfeit chips - 921600 baud works stable and well.
- Check the schematic for the 33 Ohm resistors that are supposed to help with the impedance/driving.
- Solder in the ESP32 -- revision used:
- PoE and ESP32
- Remove from USB; plug into PoE and check LEDs start flashing as soon as the power LED comes on.
- From this point on - use a Galvanic USB isolator when connecting to the board with Ethernet plugged in.
- Solder in Buzzer, OLED display (if needed), buttons, connectors
- Test with plain PowerNode install & check screen & menu cycling
- Check RDIF
- Holding an RFID card should cause two beeps. Use the VNA - Vector Network Analyser with this information to check.
- Check IP allocation on screen/serial and check web interface
- (Optional) solder on final power selection, fuses, sensors, etc.
Problems during bringup
- Ethernet LED does not work (known issue)
- PoE LED does not work (not yet investiaged)
Test script for the (newish) AW chip
#include <Adafruit_AW9523.h> Adafruit_AW9523 aw; int I2C_SDA = 05; // 21 is the default int I2C_SCL = 15; // 22 is the default int IRQ_PIN = 35; // not yet tested bool _irq_seen = 0; void irq() { _irq_seen = true; }; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("Adafruit AW9523 test!"); Wire.begin(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL); if (! aw.begin(0x58)) Serial.println("AW9523 not found? Check wiring!"); Serial.println("AW9523 found/OK"); attachInterrupt(IRQ_PIN, irq, CHANGE); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { aw.pinMode(i, INPUT); aw.enableInterrupt(i, true); }; } void loop() { if (_irq_seen) { _irq_seen = false; Serial.println("IRQ"); }; static unsigned long lst = millis(); if (millis() - lst < 200) return; lst = millis(); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { Serial.print(aw.digitalRead(i)); if (i % 4 == 3) Serial.print("."); }; Serial.println(); }
- Add the word 'OFF' to the labels of all bridges in the PoE field (and not just the top one)
Soldered on Features
Board Blue-001
- OLED screen, ESP32-WROOM-DA, Buzzer, override contacts
- PoE powered; VUSB allowed
- 100k Potentiometer for voltage setting
- Vpwr Voltage set to 12V
- 5A/250VAC relay; 12V coil
- Error LED, Output 1, 2 LEDs on front (all red)
- Extra LEDS:
- LEDE Green : Heartbeat (toppost, pulses gently green in normal operation
- LEDD Orange : Lit up on LAN/WiFi error
- LEDC Red:
- LEDB Red: Lit up when not paired/not functional/out of order
- LEDA Red: Lit up on output override/error
- Normal green connector; `arrow' to the nearest side of board
- Accidental solder bridge between pin 13/14 of ESP32 made it look like the switch was not mechanically not working (stuck in 0).
Board Blue-012
- OLED screen, ESP32-WROOM-DA, Buzzer, override red switches
- PoE powered; VUSB allowed
- 0R bridge replaced by fixed 27k Resistor on Vpwr; fixed to ~12Volt
- 2x12V coil, 8A/250VAC DPDT relay (Orange style) on output 1 and 2
- Error LED, Output 1, 2 LEDs on front (all red)
- Extra LEDS:
- LEDE Green : Heartbeat (toppost, pulses gently green in normal operation
- LEDD Orange : Lit up on LAN/WiFi error
- LEDC Red:
- LEDB Red: Lit up when not paired/not functional/out of order
- LEDA Red: Lit up on output override/error
- Normal green connector; `arrow' to the nearest side of board
- ZMCT118F current coil - 68R burden; 1000:1; 0..35 Ampere; 0.7 volt/10 Ampere
Board Blue-013 - Rework #2
In use at the Node Bandsaw for the Lintzaag Centauro 500 CO
- White OLED screen, ESP32-WROOM-DA, Buzzer, override red switches contacts
- Only YES/NO button as it replaces a white Node Bandsaw board.
- PoE powered; VUSB allowed
- 0R bridge replaced by fixed 27k Resistor on Vpwr; fixed to ~12Volt
- 1x12V coil, 8A/250VAC DPDT relay (Orange style) on output 1 ony
- Normal green connector; `arrow' to the nearest side of board
- ZMCT118F current coil - ~220R burden; 1000:1; 0..35 Ampere; 0.7 volt/10 Ampere
- Added 100 ohm resistor and zener in the current transformer circuit
- Removed/bridged 2x68k on opto's. Not actually needed.
Board Blue-015
Prepared - most part harvested from drowned/water logged white bandsaw node that died.
- Blue OLED screen (recycled), ESP32-WROOM-DA (recycled), Buzzer
- 1x green; 2x black 6x6mm button
- PoE powered; VUSB allowed; Vpwr set to 5V (0R bridge left in place)
- Normal green connector; `arrow' to the nearest side of board
- none -- 4x68k resistors tested with 220; appears ok & stable; so 440v certainly ok.